
Student Corner

Should Plastic be Banned?

Written by: Aarya Dhami - 27023, Grade VIII

Posted on: 07 March, 2023


Plastic is one of the commonly used materials around the Earth. From packaging to toys, electronics, and household items, plastic is one of the common materials in our society. However, the environmental impacts of plastic have become very harmful nowadays. It is estimated that over 8 million tons of plastic enter the oceans each year, with devastating consequences for ocean life and ecosystems. In this essay, we will talk about whether plastic should be banned or not.


On one hand, plastic has many benefits. It is durable, lightweight, and inexpensive, which makes it a versatile material for a wide range of products. Plastic has also played a significant role in reducing food waste, as it can be used to package and preserve food for longer periods. Additionally, plastic has been a key factor in the development of medical technologies, allowing for waste free and safe medical equipment and packaging.


On the other hand, the negative impact of plastic on the environment is not questionable. Plastic waste takes hundreds of years to decompose and can continue in the environment for centuries. Plastic is found in all parts of the world's oceans, harming ocean life, contaminating ecosystems, and threatening the food chain. Furthermore, the production of plastic requires significant amounts of fossil fuels, contributing to climate change and air pollution.


Banning plastic entirely may not be a practical solution. However, measures can be taken to reduce the negative impact of plastic on the environment. One such approach is to focus on reducing the use of single-use plastic items, such as straws and food packaging. These items are often used once and then discarded, contributing significantly to plastic waste. Alternatives to these items, such as paper or reusable products, can be used instead. Another approach is to promote the recycling of plastic materials. Plastic recycling is not a perfect solution, but it can help to reduce the amount of plastic waste that ends up in the environment. Governments should promote recycling programs, while manufacturers can design products with recyclable materials in mind.


In conclusion, plastic has many benefits, but its environmental impact is a cause for environmental threat. While a complete ban on plastic may not be the solution, measures can be taken to reduce the negative impact of plastic on the environment. Reducing the use of single-use plastic items and promoting the recycling of plastic materials are two methods that can be effective. Ultimately, the challenge of balancing the benefits of plastic with its environmental impact requires effort from individuals, manufactures , and governments.