
Student Corner

As I Look Back

Written by: Shuvee Lamichhane - 29033, Grade VI

Posted on: 28 February, 2023

I feel like covid changed us all in the past few years. It made us used to wearing masks and showed us the concept of online class. But I think covid had an impact on my life in a harsh way. At the start of covid I had just passed third grade and on to the fourth grade. The start of covid was as normal as everyones for me and we did all the boring stuff online and all that.


But I think it was the mid-2020 when my mother contracted  the virus. Those were the hard times but after that was over I had to go to school for the final exam of fourth grade. But after fourth grade for half of the fifth grade I had to spend at home. And we were back to  online classes. Fifth grade passed by fast and it felt like I barely got to grasp on to most of the important moments of grade five. But what I do remember is that  I had great teachers, friends and family who guided me through those tough times. Now for my academics, I would say that covid has had a very important role in shaping my academics and I would say covid was a good learning experience and played an important  role in shaping who I am today.


I have got to say that it was very tough adjusting back to normal life from the covid times and I still wear a mask to this day. I had a lot of precious memories in the covid times and I would go as far as to say that covid has had a good impact on my life and has helped me learn many important lessons that I require.