
Student Corner

The Problem of Climate Change

Written by: Prasanna Dhungel - 28021, Grade VII

Posted on: 23 February, 2023

Along with other crises, climate change is one of the main problems of the 21st century. Climate change has had a devastating impact on the entire world. Due to climate change, the ecosystems of the world are changing drastically. People have followed a pattern for every task for centuries, but due to climate change, seasons are lasting longer than they should.The agricultural sector is mainly facing this problem as the crops they grow are seasonal and they need the perfect climate to grow them. But due to climate change, the weather is unstable; it could cycle between a rainy and a bright sunny day in just a few minutes.
The main cause of climate change is pollution. In this modern time, many factories and industries are being built. Due to this, the ozone layer has become very thin. The ozone layer protects us from the harmful radiation of the sun; if it is gone, life on earth will be in big danger. Pollution is the main cause of most of the serious problems in the 21st century. This is the time when the climate has been the most unstable in the past century.
Not only the world but also Nepal, where eight of the top 10 highest peaks are found, is suffering from drastic climate change. Due to this, the glaciers and the snow in the high mountains of Nepal are also melting. 20% of Nepal's economy comes from tourism. Nepal is a highly dependent country on nature. But due to people’s betrayal of nature, Nepal will be facing a huge crisis in the following years. 
The sea levels are also changing due to climate change. It is predicted that until 2100, some small countries and islands could be flooded by the sea. This is the highest level of pollution the world has ever reached. This causes harm to nature and also includes many other factors that help stabilise living ecosystems. 
As given in the above paragraphs, climate change is very dangerous to human settlement on earth. To tackle this problem, there are many solutions, but the most effective is to reduce the level of pollution caused. All the problems harming nature are caused by humans. Despite being the most intelligent living being on the earth, the dumbest activities are done by them. We must utilise this knowledge to save the earth instead of discovering new innovations that cause harm to nature. If there is not a place we could call home, the new innovations are of no use. We must be grateful for this opportunity and help the earth become a better place for everyone to live, with modern tools helping in the process.