
Student Corner

Youth in Nation’s Development

Written by: Amu Shakya - 27021, Grade VIII

Posted on: 14 February, 2023

Youth are just like developing buds and are the changers of the nation. Every person is passed through the youth period in their life. This phase is very important for all the people as well as the nation. This phase is really exciting and I always desire to do new things. Therefore if this phase is used properly then people can get success and great achievement in their life.

The youth are crucial for a country's development and make up 20-30% of the population in our country. With their energy and dedication, they are the driving force behind many industries, such as science, art, health, technology, and management. Their contributions are essential for the smooth operation of these fields and for the overall progress of the nation.

To ensure that youth contribute to the progress of the nation, it is essential to provide them with the right guidance and training. Proper education and skill development are necessary to steer them in the right direction. Today's youth are the architects of tomorrow's society, and their potential should be fully harnessed by providing ample opportunities.

It is the responsibility of the government to manage employment for the youth, so they don't need to migrate to other countries for jobs and services. By engaging the youth, the nation can develop, so it is crucial to stop youth migration and provide employment opportunities within our country.