
Student Corner

Stop Harassment

Written by: Sonam Sunner - 27017, Grade VIII

Posted on: 10 February, 2023

A series of comments like, skinny, fat, ugly, catfish, pick me, gold digger and it doesn’t stop, comments like these goes on. Imagine needing to hear people call you imperfect no matter how much you try. The examples I gave above aren’t all. People call you out for wearing your comfortable clothes, for speaking up your mind, for just being ‘us’.

“You should wear dresses or skirts, guys aren’t gonna be impressed by this”. And when you do wear a dress or anything just a bit revealing. All you can hear is “She’s asking for it and they expect us guys not to do anything about it”

This is the parallel universe we’re living in. No matter what you do it just seems like nothing will change. Amount of disrespectful comments we need to hear as a girl is unbelievable. I mean why can’t we just live a normal, peaceful life where we don’t harass each other and we respect each other's boundaries. Do we really need to make everything a competition? It doesn’t matter what your identity is, at the end, we’re all humans with feelings. And we need to respect that. We should try and focus on the world we are creating right now. We need more awareness about everything going on.

We should be able to do things that make us comfortable and happier which doesn’t involve disrespect or harassment. These small things that we think can also really affect a person’s behaviour or mental health in the long run. We should open up and make people aware that what they are doing is wrong. Let’s try living in harmony for once. And stop harassment for all the genders.