
Student Corner


Written by: Eshanee Manandhar - 28004, Grade VII

Posted on: 09 February, 2023

Rules are considered one of the most important things in a person’s life to maintain their discipline. Rules can be made by mistakes too. In our lives, we have heard of many rules that may seem senseless or sensible. However, most of the rules we have heard in our lives are considered to be really important. Rules should be followed in order to have a good reputation and to make our lives comfortable.
Most people break or violate rules, which makes the person look undisciplined. Even though people know it is wrong to ignore or break the rules, they still do it. We can see that most people ignore it if they see another person breaking or violating the rules.However, we must not ignore those individuals because their actions may have an impact on the development of our country, and we must be aware of and warn the individual about the consequences of breaking the rules.
In my opinion, I think their behaviour is bad because it is not right to break or violate the rules. Someone may be injured; the development of the country may be affected; the country may lose property; it may cause people to lose their lives; etc. If I see someone breaking a specific important rule, I would immediately try to stop them, and if the person ignores the rule, I would call the police. I would recommend that the person understand the importance of rules, why rules should be followed, why rules should not be broken, etc.
As a result, we must all understand how the rules are applied and the positive effects they have on people's daily lives. Even if we believe that some rules are meaningless, I believe that we must not ignore them and instead investigate why such rules were enacted. If the reason is senseless, it is okay to ignore it, but in most cases, I think we must follow the rule, whether it seems important to us or not.