
Student Corner

Should Students Get Limited Access to the Internet?

Written by: Amu Shakya - 27021, Grade VIII

Posted on: 31 January, 2023

We are in the 21st century. Nowadays, our life is very comfortable and convenient. We are being surrounded by different modern and scientific equipment in our daily lives. Humans invent a lot of equipment which makes our life easy but we are being more dependent on those things. We already experienced the development of technology.

One of the most important technologies we are using in our daily life is internet access. It is important in the sense that we can easily get relevant information that is needed in our daily work. It is important especially to scientists, teachers, officers, medical persons and others. It is more important to students because it helps to get information regarding their education. In our generation today, with the involvement of technology, specifically the internet; it should be limited in access to students. It should be especially prohibited for some sites which are not suitable for young children or students because it might affect their life, development and growth in their mind. They may interpret our society. Internet access should have limited access to students because there are some contents and sites on the internet which are harmful to teenages and bring negative activities. Students should access relevant information rather than all the things that are available on the internet.

The mostly used youtube channel should not be accessible to students. They should have only access to information which will help their needs in school. Parents should be aware of how their children are using the internet and they really benefit from the use of the internet. They should take care of their children if they notice some behaviour changes in their children.
We know that students need the internet for their academic growth and development but we should also be aware about its misuse. Everything has both good and bad effects. Similarly, using the internet may bring good and also bad things. So we should think about whether we use the internet to get good things and ignore the things which will be harmful to us and also to our career.

We should not be addicted to internet games, social media pages and others which are not useful for the time being. By using these things, we are wasting our valuable time. We should do creative things instead of wasting time by using the internet for more time.