
Student Corner

Obstacles Throughout Life

Written by: Sonam Sunner - 27017, Grade VIII

Posted on: 27 January, 2023

Starting by the lead
I follow every step of my creator
Not what I wanted
But do I really have a choice?

Admiring the road as I walk
Noticing it's filled with huge rocks
But everywhere my lead goes,
It disappears into thin air

It's like magic and a fairytale
But suddenly she's fading away
Where did my mother go?
Why did she leave me alone?

No matter how terrible it feels without her
I keep walking until I find a success 
So many obstacles
I just want to give up

Here and there I see 
And challenges keep occuring
I feel tired 
I want to stop by but I cannot

I keep moving forward
Until I see it
It's there, I found it!
The finish line.