
Student Corner

She is also a Human

Written by: Aaradhya Parasai - 28001, Grade VII

Posted on: 16 January, 2023

She woke up with scars all over her body. She had hair all over her body. She was skinny and flat. She had a big nose and dark circles in her eyes. Her lips were the tiniest. Her hair was thin and short. She was insecure about her body. She always used to cry and overthink. She saw other girls on the street with long and thick hair, perfect faces, and perfect bodies. She went and looked in the mirror. She asked herself  in the mirror, "Why am I not like those other girls out on the streets?" She went to the gym and did workouts, but nothing worked. People told her, "Put some makeup on; you look ugly!" She put some makeup on, and then people said, "Why are you wearing so much makeup?" "You are so fake!" She wears baggy clothes to cover her body, and then people say, "Wear some skinny and good clothes, not baggy." When she wears skinny clothes, people say, "Why are you revealing your body?" "You are such an attention seeker." Then people say, "Eat more food; you are so thin like a stick." She starts eating, and then people say, "Why are you eating so much food?" "You're so fat already." So what is she supposed to do now? She is also a human being like us. She also has feelings and emotions like us. Let her live her life and stop telling nonsense. After all, she is also a human.