
Student Corner

Seeds of Fear

Written by: Krishma Thapa - 27005, Grade VIII

Posted on: 11 January, 2023

What is fear? We all have fear. Fear is a natural, powerful emotion experienced by humans. We all are scared of something or maybe someone. There is a lot we went through that could actually be very traumatic for one. Who we are today, we were not the same before. There is a certain age we went through, difficulties we faced. And maybe there is a certain thing that happened to us which actually is really painful for us to even remember.

Fear is something which holds us back. It doesn’t allow us to go ahead and achieve our goals. There is a lot we think about but we never achieve it. There is no one else to blame for it. It is us to be responsible for. For example, one having stage fear tries to achieve something but they cannot because they think everyone will make fun of them. And that is what actually is stopping them. We overthink a lot. We think that everyone is going to judge us for the things we did. They will make fun of us. And it is a fear, something really dangerous for us because it will never lead us ahead. Why can't we let it go and go ahead with it. We actually never think about it. We find a way of escaping problems but do we ever think about facing it? No, because we are too scared to face it.

Fear is common. It's nothing we need to fake about. We all have something we are really scared of. It counts in human emotion as it is a way for us to express things. Fear may start from the very smallest thing to something really dangerous. Something really terrific. Of course being human we experience fear. We are capable enough to think about something bothering us and something we need to stay away from inorder to keep ourselves safe or reduce being harmed. 
There are 2 types of fear. They are: Innate fear and Identity fear. Innate fear is a really common fear. It is something one is born with but they slowly try to get over it. And Identity Fear is something humans develop. There are alot of things one fears about. Many confuse themselves too. Fear is a typical response to objects or images.

Researches have proved that one can know the fear of their close ones. They are aware of each and every behaviour. We all are not born with a lot of fears we have now. One scary event that happened a long time ago can also traumatise us. Fear is a strong emotion we feel. It can be really dangerous for us too at some point of life. If we never think about overcoming the fear then we can never get ahead with all these fears we have now. We will forever be stuck here trying to figure out what are we gonna do or how are we going to skip the event we have to face. Or to be away from everyone. We can control our fear but it is not that easy because there is a lot we have to go through. Fear can be healthy but also deadly to us. Fear may keep us safe but it never goes like this all the time throughout our life.

There are a lot of ways we can actually overcome our fear but all we have to do is try it. If we never try and give up that easily then we will be forever stuck with our fear. Which will bother us a lot as it is something which will stop yourself going ahead.Taking an example, a single seed of suspicion grows into a jungle, the small fear we have may destroy us someday.