
Student Corner

The Spirit Friend

Written by: Shreevaani Dhungel - 29044, Grade VI

Posted on: 22 December, 2022

There was once a Spirit, whose screams and cries nobody would see. But it's the horrifying self everyone would see. The spirit chose someone to talk to and to get help for avenging them. There is a chosen one who will avenge the Spirit, I speak avenge!
Dianne was a great student. Studious, Attentive, Confident. She had all the qualities almost one could never ever have. She was the smartest in her class. She was liked, loved by a lot of people. There was one mysterious thing about her, she always carried a diary and would write something and show it to the air which made the people wonder. Once, someone asked about her diary and she froze and said "wait, don't you know Frankie? the deaf and mute kid here? I write in this diary to tell her stuff." The student almost passed out. Still it was left as a mystery.
One day, her mother was cleaning her room and she saw the diary. The things written there were almost not normal at first. There was her handwriting and then another handwriting. Her mother asked Dianne about it and she said that there was a deaf and mute kid named Frankie at her school and she would write there for her.
The next day, her mother went and asked the school if there was a girl who was mute and deaf and named Frankie. There was no response. They looked at their record and saw a girl whose name was Frankie and if she was deaf and mute. The principal said "There was a girl named that but she died a year ago because of cancer." Diannes mother was shocked.
The days went by, Dianne's mom sent Dianne to hundreds of therapists and doctors but then there was no hope. She once had heard about wizards and she thought about sending Dianne to that wizard named Mars. She went there with her daughter. The wizard took her to the room and asked "Tell me about your friend Dianne"  Dianne said "My friend is Frankie Williams. She is 14. She studies with me. She is deaf and mute." "Tell me about her looks," the wizard said. "She has brown silky hair, green eyes, kinda thin, V shaped chin, Wearing a wool sweater, the color is splashed with red" Dianne said.
After that, the wizard left the room without Dianne and said to her mother "Your daughter is the chosen one, she can talk to spirits. You see, long ago there was a man named Xavier. He was a researcher of mysteries . He said "The chosen one is the one who is connected to the greatest spirit in the world and they will disappear someday but that someday can be any day". Then suddenly they heard a huge scream out of the blue they both rushed and saw that Dianne's body was there she was dead. "Her time has come, she will be blessed by the dead, she will be blessed by the most superior gods, The ray of hope" the wizard said.