
Student Corner

The Enchanted Garden

Written by: Eshanee Manandhar - 28004, Grade VII

Posted on: 21 December, 2022

Oh, heaven! It’s covered with green vines.
People go to that garden to have a good time.
presence of flowers shaped as pompoms and salverform
There is the pleasant sound of some bees in a swarm!

The aura of the nature of the garden seems calm.
Everything seems like a kind and helpful arm.
Grasses so big, unique-shaped rocks, colourful flowers
Those natural things build out a huge natural tower.

The gleam of the setting sun reflected in the vast river
All these things do cure sad emotions and anger.
The sound of the birds chirping and the tune of the flute.
All these seem wonderful together when fused.

The enchanted garden does seem enchanted.
The garden seems gorgeously created.
These beautiful things do exist, I see.
Flowers, rocks, water, and grass reaching to our knees

Grasses are big, unique-shaped rocks, colourful flowers.
Those natural things build out a huge natural tower.
The enchanted garden does seem enchanted.
This natural garden seems gorgeously create