
Student Corner

The Pomodoro Technique

Written by: Eshanee Manandhar - 28004, Grade VII

Posted on: 09 December, 2022

The pomodoro technique is a simple technique which helps to balance and finish our works with some small period of intervals in between. In other words, The pomodoro technique is a type of a time management technique for students like us, teachers and other workers. This technique was discovered in the 90's by a person named Francesco Cirillo. Even though this technique was found in the 90’s people are still using it now because of its effective positive result. Nowadays, the use of the pomodoro technique has been growing continuously. 
Doing Pomodoro Technique means to do a particular and a specific with full focus and determination towards the particular work for 25 minutes. Then, after the 25 minutes ends, the person can have a five minute interval or a break in which they can do anything they want. In my opinion, I would recommend the person not to do unproductive things such as watching youtube, scrolling through apps etc because it may attract the person to keep using those apps for a long time. I would insist that they take some fresh air, walk for a while, draw etc. The pomodoro will be based on the amount of work a person has to do. For example: If a person has a work which needs 2 hours, the person needs to do 4-5 pomodoro to finish their work. But, the work can only be finished if the person does it with full concentration and interest. The distraction should be eliminated in the work space in order to do so.
We may wonder how Francesco Cirillo found out about this technique. According to the information, it was said that Francesco Cirillo was delaying his work and being unproductive most of the time. He tried some methods for studying but then found the tomato shaped kitchen timer. Cilliro used this method as well and found it effective. That was how he found out about this Pomodoro Technique. 
Pomodoro technique shows people and also motivates people to finish their work in time effectively and also get good remarks. It also teaches people about the value of time. However, it may not work for everyone, but we still can try it and see the results. Instead of 25 minutes, we can do 30 minutes/45 minutes etc and keep a 10 minute of break instead of a 5 minute. Thus, this technique is really helpful and should be applied in people’s daily life.