
Student Corner

Mobile Addiction

Written by: Eshaan Kumar Rajbhandari - 27027, Grade VIII

Posted on: 22 November, 2022

Since ancient times people have been coming up with different discoveries and they are upgrading their living standards with it. Now they are developing new technologies and are coming up with marvellous ideas. This is because people are getting more educated these days.  The new technologies that have been developed are making our life easier. For example, mobile phones. It is a device that can be used over a wide area, without any physical connection to a network.

But people are misusing it by being addicted to it. Martin cooper did not invent the device so that people get addicted to using it. How I noticed it first is, when a kid was asked what does your mom do in her spare time and the kid replied that his mother watches her mobile most of the time. Second, when the pandemic began and there was this huge lockdown, children were having online classes. They started to take advantage of online classes and watched mobile phones all the time. After the lockdown children had to go to the hospitals for eye checkups. This is all because of the bad impact that affected the small children created by their parents. This also shows how addicted were the parents of such children that they forgot to spend quality time with them and check how their children are doing.

Martin Cooper created the device so that people would find it easier to communicate and interact with each other. We all know this but still we try to misuse it. We create new inventions which are good in many ways but we misuse it and harm ourselves. We are not some kind of divine being to not make mistakes so we need to learn from our mistakes. That’s how we can be more creative and learn new things.