
Student Corner

Brush Strokes By The Sunset - Part 3

Written by: Yureka Adhikari - 29049, Grade VI

Posted on: 22 November, 2022

The shape of your body is perfect for you. Though I believe there’s no perfect if there was one you’d be the definition. Your heart glistens in the night when there’s nothing but tears. I love you, I believe you!” No one, NOT ONCE when she needed to hear that. They only ever pointed it out. How much more could a kid handle? Legally, when you’re 18 you’re an adult. Every day hearing such painful words would hurt an adult, she was merely 3 when she felt what bullying was. Even now she’s only 13. What did you expect? Tell me please. A kid expected to look and act like an adult. A kid, body shamed daily.

Psychological abuse if the definition is correct is what she faced from the age of 3. Eventually, she was bound to wasn’t she? Did you expect her to only plead hanging on her last string until she died? The last string of hope that they’d change? It wasn’t like she didn’t feel pain or hurt. She was a human just like us but how much longer could she really go? She blamed herself just as much as they did because she had faith that they were only ever hoping for the best in her. Was she wrong to trust them? If you say yes you’re a hypocrite because you would have too. Finally when she found someone that made her realise that she didn’t deserve it was she wrong to do what she did? Was she wrong to murder the people who hurt her her whole life. Was she wrong to kill her parents? She became an orphan, yes but she was free from the pain and suffrage that she had gone through for the entirety of her life. You wouldn’t know, I know. I was there with her through every step of her life including the point she did it. I was the one who convinced her not to commit to ending it all. I WAS THERE DURING HER SORROW, too bad I can’t be with her in her happiness. As the night that it happened she was pushed to kill them because they made me commit suicide. I died and now I see her as she wished I hadn’t pulled the trigger on the gun I stole. She was driven by pain but it created happiness. She’s now in therapy, not sent to jail due to the trauma she had to endure. She’s free, only if she knows that I’m there for her even now. Only if she knew I may have perished however I’ll be with her till she does too and even after.