
Student Corner

My Short Blog on DSS Fest

Written by: Eva Adhikari - 29012, Grade VI

Posted on: 17 November, 2022

On November 12, Saturday, my school hosted a DSS Feast. That morning I was really excited. I was excited to play games and win some too. That day there was a puja at my house so I was a bit late. I reached my school at around 12: 30pm. I met with my  friends and I started buying tickets and playing games. I did lose a lot of games. I then wanted to play a canvas game. So you just have to throw the ball on the canvas and it must land in the basket in order to win. I actually did it on my third and my last try. I was really happy I won a banana keychain. It was very cute in my opinion. Then I went and played the blindfolded pig game.

We had to be blindfolded and get spinned and had to put the train in the cross on the pig. I actually can't believe I did it when it landed on the cross. I was super happy and proud of myself. I won a gel pen in that game. Then I treated myself with 3 plates of pani puri and a plate of momo. The tickets were affordable enough to enjoy the food. When my parents came to the school. They bought 2 bingo tickets which cost 200 rupees. It was so fun that my ticket only had one number left to win 7000 rupees. I only had the number 49 but a senior dai won before me. I was kind of sad. But I guess a game is a game. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. But this day was really fun and exciting. I can't wait to have a day like this again. I really enjoyed this day.