
Student Corner


Written by: Eshita Lal - 28015, Grade VII

Posted on: 14 November, 2022

Hello! So we all have friends! No? We all like to spend time with our friends. We like to share our jokes, talk, and chat with our friends. Yes, we get into arguments, sometimes or mostly. But anyway, after the fight, we are still friends. We trust our friends, and we love our friends. I have many friends; I like them all, and I trust them all.
When I said we trust our friends, that may not apply to some of you, but it does apply to most of us. I also trust my friends a lot but we need to know one thing: we need to be really careful and aware when we trust someone. Yes, we may have many friends, but those we trust are very few.
I also have friends from school and outside, but still, I only trust some of my friends. The word "friendship" is really common these days, but true friendship is not as easy as you think. As you read my article, you might think, "Oh! What is she even talking about? "I have a true friend that I can trust." It is natural when you hear something for the first time or occasionally, but we all blindly trust our friends.We should be careful when trusting. I know there are many of you who take it cautiously while trusting someone and are totally fine with it. True friendship is never gained in one day or one year of experience; fully understanding a person can take years. We can even grow old like our grandparents when we fully understand a person, because to know them in their true form, we have to observe how they react in different situations.
When I was at my previous school, I used to trust anyone. And for the first time in my memory, I thought I should not have trusted my friends. So what happened was when I was in 4th grade one of the teachers hit a student in the classroom, and we complained to the elementary school coordinator. Then, the next day, the teacher came to our class and told everyone that: Did she hit the boy? I did not want to see my friend hurt. So, quickly I raised my hand, thinking that my friends also did the same thing, as we all complained together. But to my utter horror, none of them did. There were 30–35 students, and I was the only one who was raising the hand. The teacher who saw this called me in front of the class and then told me I was lying. I protested, but all went in vain. She scolded me. I was disheartened and it broke my trust.
So we should be careful who we trust. I am  certainly not telling you not to trust anyone completely, just that we should have a limit. Let us take an example: Do we trust our friends as much as we trust our parents? No, we do not, and if you think that friends are the most we should trust, then you are surely wrong. We should always remember one thing in our lives: you can blindly trust your parents because if everyone is not on your side, our parents will be there for us. No matter how big a mistake we make, they will forgive us, so I never mean to ever betray the trust your parents give you.