
Student Corner

Dark Memory

Written by: Jenial Giri - 29054, Grade VI

Posted on: 07 November, 2022

That day I woke up very excited in the morning because my bestfriend from my village was here to play with me .
There was also another reason I was excited, that was that it was a holiday so I could play all day long. Just thinking about my childhood memory makes me want to be a child again now that no one seems to be the same.That morning we played and played and played like we'd never get tired of playing. it was time to eat so her grandma called her but we ignored her calling and kept playing. We were making a new home so there was sand stored  in front of the front yard . We took the sand in our hands and laughed. My grandma and her friend were talking so they got irritated so my grandma asked me to go to my friend's home and play. At first we didn't agree but later we said ok and we were on the way to her house when suddenly the ground started to move and then my grandpa carried me and took me away and the last thing I saw was terrifying. I saw my friend's home falling in front of us, then we all villagers gathered in a field where we were safe .  I looked over at my friend. She also seemed terrified as I was. Maybe it was also because of the fact she saw her falling down.
After that each and everyone  came and we all stayed there then I heard some very sad news . My other friend's brother was inside the home when the earthquake occurred. His grandpa had gone to save him . But they both died. My friend didn't know this because she wasn't around. I came to know about it because I heard it from some villagers and later I saw my friend's sad face and later she also told me the same thing . I felt bad for her. That night we stayed there to be safe and put a tent for warmth and cooked food there itself and that's when I realized life is uncertain and you never know what happens next.