
Student Corner

Our Basketball Match

Written by: Eshita Lal - 28015, Grade VII

Posted on: 21 October, 2022

Our sports week had just started. I was very nervous as I had selected all the sports: basketball, cricksal, futsal, badminton, swimming, chess, table tennis and the most exciting till now has been basketball.
I am in the basketball club. I do like playing basketball, but the only problem is that we are taken to the outdoor court, where I keep getting exhausted, and I used to bunk it all by sleeping in the shadows most of the time. Well, not every week, but sometimes. I did try to learn from Pradnesh brother, Sayam brother, and Nreep by trying to imitate their moves or just by asking them sometimes. I did not want to take part in a basketball competition, but since my friend was taking part and telling me to also take part as I was in the club, I decided, "Well, it doesn’t  hurt to try." and just like that, I raised my hand in the basketball match.
On the day of the match, I was really excited as well as nervous. We were taken to another court other than our club court, and to my surprise, it was indoors. I was quite happy as it was sunny outside and I did not want to burn myself up. We waited for some time till everything settled down. Then, we were ready to go and play. I was selected to go at the next break, but Eshanee was tired, so I had to go. I was confused for a split second, but then I was ready to play. It started quite okay and we did win that round. I could not believe it as I had no hope I would win, but then I knew I could do it.
I had more responsibilities asI was selected captain of the team Mechi for the basketball match.. All teams had their own coach. We also had a coach, and she was really cheerful, kind, and really helpful. I like her. She taught us some tips during the break. I explained all my plans to my group during the breaks, and when it was our turn, this was the semi-finals. We had to win this to get to the finals. To be honest, they were pretty tough to beat. It was a good match. I do not even remember who I competed with because all I could remember was the match in the final. Every single move and step I remember, but only of the main final match.
So, yeah, moving on. We won the semi-finals. I was really happy, but I knew that the real match was just going to start, so I got a bad temper at small things at that time. Finally, it was time for the final match, the last for the day. I had to win this, otherwise there was no use of my running and trying, so I gave my best in that round. It was not a normal match for me. If I lost to the game which I had been learning since the start of the year, it would be such a shame. If I lost, then not only me, all the Mechi house would lose, and I did not want that. Our match was against the best players in the "Mahakali" house. My main opponent was Kritanjali, as she was the strongest and was the one who made the most baskets. 
The match began. Right from the start, it started fast and strong. And I had noticed in all matches that all players would just pass it to Kritanjali sister, especially Krishma sister, so my main focus was on Kritanjali sister and Krishma sister, and to be honest, it was worth it. I was able to block most of her attacks in that way. Another thing I found was that she would rarely throw the ball from the front of the basket but would rather go to its side. So, yeah, I blocked most of that. The match was intense. We were only given 14 minutes and it was already like 11 or more minutes and the score was 4 and 2. 4 points came from their team, whereas we only had 2. I had already lost hope, and I was too exhausted to do any more.  Then, I heard Yukta ma’am cheering us, "You can still do it, Mechi house." Yes! I can still do it. How could I forget my motto, "It's not over, till it’s over"? So, I rose. I had to give my best. I had to win this anyway. I started running as if all my strength had come back inside of me.
Then, our team did their best. We were taking the ball here and there, and just when we got our chances, we would try to get a score. We tried many times, but all the times seemed to have failed. But just at the last moment, "Boom!", we just had a score!!. I was surprised. We have had a draw 4 and 4 now. We had three throws to put in the basket. Kritanjali sister was first. I thought she would score almost all three, but yet to my surprise again, she missed them all. Yes! This was a chance. One shot and we are the winners. The moment I was going to hit the basket, I have no idea why, but faces came to my eyes. Yukta ma’am, Eshanee, my friends, and the cheering that was shouting for us. Then, with a deep breath, I let out the ball. This time felt like forever, but I did it... YES! Yukta ma’am came and hugged us all. I was feeling so nice, but still, I knew without my friends and team I could not have done this, especially our group coach. She could not watch out for the final match as she said it was getting late, and yet I could not even thank her for having so much belief in us and for helping us all till the end. This was the end of the basketball match. We won the medals. We were the winners. We went back by bus, and well, Eshanee and I were hyped up, but well, maybe for my mental state I was hyped up, but my sleepiness was really getting high, and I woke up pretty late the next morning. Well, I have to say, that day was amazing!