
Student Corner

Time Heals is What They Say

Written by: Suphiyana Ghimire - 27016, Grade VIII

Posted on: 18 October, 2022

Time goes on without a care
But still, heals and hurts so many here
They say wounds will go away as time passes by
Then what is it? The reason they cry

Why do they miss the ones that are gone
When they know, that they won’t be back with time
What are the worries they have?
When they know with time, they’ll be gone  

Why so much greed in the heart?
When death is sure to bring it all apart
Why so much tears for one’s that are gone
When existence of all will be gone with time

So here is what I will choose to do 
I will be sure to enjoy each second 
I will have wants but not filled with greed
At last I will leave it in the hands of time