
Student Corner

Deerwalk Debate Night

Written by: Bidhan Sangat - 2021007, Grade X

Posted on: 09 February, 2020

Deerwalk Debate Night was conducted on 10th Asoj, 2076. The selection of the Debate Night had started two weeks from the day of the program. From our class 6 students went to the finals. Five students from the Nepali language category and 1 student from the English language, a total of 36 students from all classes. There were two-parent judges for each category and one teacher judge for each category. The event started at 4:30 pm. Yukta ma'am gave the welcome speech. The event started in the English Language category. The participants debated really well in the English Language category. After the debate of the English language category was over, the participants of the Nepali language category were introduced and the debate began. The debaters had really nice points. Both the categories were very exciting and interesting. The parents surely got to know many facts and got the knowledge & about the affairs in the world. The Nepali debate was knowledgeable. And after both, the debates prize distribution was held. In the English category, Pranjal Khatiwada from Grade VII won the gold medal and from the Nepali Category, Adhit Upadhyay from grade X won. At last Laxmi, ma'am gave the closing note and the event concluded.