
Student Corner

Summary- Kira Kira

Written by: Tanishq Shakya - 28011, Grade VII

Posted on: 08 September, 2022

Lynn, Katy’s sister, is Katy's role model. When they were young, Lynnn taught Katy the word "Kira Kira," which meant glittering in Japanese. Whatever they liked, they used to address it as "Kira Kira. Lynn’s dream was to live in a house near the seashore. She had also saved up some money for it. Lynn used to write a diary, and Katy used to read it. Katy admired Lynn and pointed to her as her best friend. Time passed, and they had to leave their house and live with their uncle. At that time, Lynn and Katy had a little brother, and Lynn now has a best friend. Katy did not like Lynn’s best friend, as Lynn now spent most of her time with her new best friend. One day, Lynn felt sick and got admitted to the hospital. Lynn and Katy used to fight, as Lynn did not spend much time with Katy anymore. Lynn got better but, as time passed, she got sick again. Katy used to visit Lynn with her mother, and at the hospital she met a girl she quickly became friends with. Katy moved to her new house with her family except Lynn because she was still in the hospital. Katy was very happy that Lynn’s dream was fulfilled. They lived in a new house near the seashore. The afternoon they moved into their new house, Katy wanted to tell Lynn that her dream was fulfilled, but at that moment, Katy got the worst news: Lynn had sadly passed away. Katy was very sad about Lynn’s death, especially because they had a huge fight before Lynn’s death. Every time Katy looked at the ocean, she would remember her sister Lynn and hear her sister say "Kira Kira."