
Student Corner

Trust: Glue To Keep Bonds Strong

Written by: Riti Niraula - 27029, Grade VIII

Posted on: 01 September, 2022

Trust is firm belief in the reliability, truth or ability of someone or something, in simple words trust is the thing that glues the society, family and community together. Building trust in someone is not a game of 2+2, it requires a lot of leadership. Trust is the most expensive thing in the world as it takes years to gain someone's trust and only a matter of seconds to lose it.

Trust is very important in our life. The one and only way to gain people's trust is by being trustworthy, which means you have got to be honest and always do the right thing even if it means going against your desire. Telling the truth sometimes hurts people or they may not like the truth but after sometime they will realize it was meant to be anyway. Trust always comes and goes as you get to know different people and you grow closer into a relationship with them. You can say that everything in our life starts with trust and ends with it. If you don’t trust someone the things that they say may always sound like a lie or an excuse. Trust is very complicated and it cannot simply be defined by believing everything someone says. The truth is no one understands the idea of trust. You can’t just tell someone to trust you, trust has to be gained and it should never be broken. It  is said, ‘Trust is like a glass once it is broken it will never be the same again.’ One of the most common reasons why people lose their trust is when someone betrays them, lies to them and fails to hold their promises. Trust is a puzzle that is very hard to solve. Many people take advantage of your trust and lose it and leave you with anger, confusion, sadness and very hurt. When you can’t trust someone it will make it hard for you to focus on everything you do, serious trust issues can leave you with anxiety, depression and other severe health problems. Trust is also the foundation of a good relationship. There are two types of people who may lose your trust: a person whom you would like to bring back in your life,

A person who has already lost your trust several times before, do not let these people in your life.   If you truly care for someone and have lost their trust; then you have a lot of work ahead of you. As I said before, trust is easily lost but hard to gain. If you lost someone’s trust, the first thing that you should do is begin to regain it.