
Student Corner

Dashain Vacation

Written by: Krish Tamang - 2021010, Grade X

Posted on: 03 February, 2020

This year's Dashain was very boring for me. As I don't celebrate Dashain, I don’t go for Tika. I spent most of my days at my home watching videos on Youtube. I went to my friend's house for some days and we went cycling as well. I went to play basketball too. I flew kites with my friends and went cycling. Most of the time the roads were empty. I also went to Basantapur with one of my friends. I got to see that the roads were not busy at all. Most of the shops and malls were closed. The days when I was at home were very boring and it was hard to spend those days. I practiced guitar on those days. I learned many songs and recorded them as well. I also went to some programs from the church and enjoyed the days. Dashain is not as special for me but the culture and traditions during Dashain are very fun to witness.