
Student Corner

An Ode To My Laptop

Written by: Prakarsha Tabdar - 25010, Grade X

Posted on: 10 August, 2022

The happiness I wished for many years
The happiness i got after some time
You took so long to arrive in my life
But you changed my life after you arrived

Looking at you I thought i was the luckiest kid
Using you made me feel like I was the happiest kid
You were a bit old but you looked new from my eye
You were a bit dirty but you looked clean in my eye

You made me look from boring to interesting kid
You made my life from meaningless to interesting
You are the reason I am so happy right now
You are the reason my life is easy right now

The struggle I had to went through before you came
The uneasy feeling got before you come
But now that you are here
I owe you this time, my laptop.