
Student Corner

Child Labour

Written by: Aarav Yadav - 28025, Grade VII

Posted on: 03 August, 2022

Child labour is a crime which forces small children to do paid work in a road side restaurant, meat shop, tea stall etc. Child labour affect the growth of children. It is a national issue which is growing day by day, especially seen in underdeveloped and developed countries.
It alludes to a crime in which youngsters are coerced into working from a young age. It is similar
asking children to take adult responsibilities like working and providing for themselves.If the adults in the family are unemployed or sick, the younger ones have to work instead. When families do not earn enough, they put the children of the family to work so that they have enough money to survive.
There are some laws and regulations that limit and restrict child labor. We must come up with some extremely effective methods that will protect children to end child labor. Additionally, it will improve the future of any nation tackling these societal concerns. To start, one can establish a number of unions that only function to stop child labor. Children who enjoy doing this activity should benefit from it, and those who force them to do it should be punished.