
Student Corner


Written by: Ashish Dahal - 2026006, Grade V

Posted on: 23 January, 2020

Minecraft is a game made in the USA. It is a very famous game. In the game, we will be the king and we generate our own world. We can play Creative, Survival and Adventure mode. We can kill mobs. We can create 1000 skins in that game. We can make mine dirt, stone, red dust, gold, diamond, and emerald. Also, we can make iron and diamond things. We can fly in the sky in this game. We can go to the village. We can also make an iron golem, armor boat and do boating. We can do animal husbandry, farming of carrot, beetroot, and potato. We can carry lava too. We can make a bed and sleep on it. We can make a donkey carry our load. We can make dogs and cats are best friends and have fun.

Due to all these reasons, I love playing this game.