
Student Corner

How Can Nepal Be A Developed Country?

Written by: Prasiddha Shrestha - 28008, Grade VII

Posted on: 20 July, 2022

Nepal is on the list of one of the least developed countries (LDC). We mainly blame the government for this.The government of Nepal is also one of the reasons that Nepal is lacking in its developmental activities.But we as citizens can also help in the development of our country.The UN says that Nepal will leave the category of least developed country by 2026 A.D. This is very good for our country.The rate of development in Nepal is ok but according to the population of the country the rate of development is not good enough.
What is the development of a country? When a country is going up the ladder of economic performance and living standards, then it is called the development of a country. This development is the main reason that the country keeps progressing. A developed country has many characteristics, like high per capita income, low rate of poverty, high living standard, low rate of unemployment etc. All of the mentioned points affect the condition of the country and the people in the country.
Nepal is an agricultural country. Almost 25% of our economy comes from agricultural occupations and activities. So, in a way, agricultural activities are very beneficial for us.Thus, we can continue this activity. Almost 65% of the population are involved in agricultural activities.This activity is mainly done in villages and rural areas of Nepal.This activity provides a slow rate of development of the country but is still profitable. If Nepal is able to switch to a more industrialised economy, then development will increase at a very large rate.
The government should provide more facilities for the citizens. The government should also focus on economically beneficial activities. Also, the government of Nepal is mainly focusing on the development of the cities or developed areas.The government is not focusing on the development of the rural areas. It should give equal attention towards the development of all the areas of Nepal. The development of only one or two areas does not develop a whole country.
The citizens of Nepal can also help by paying taxes. The money paid by us goes to the developmental activities of the nation. The taxes are different according to the salary of the individual. It is just a fixed percent of the individual's salary. Taxes are the most effective thing a citizen can do or pay to help the country develop. The government should also make rules that everyone must pay taxes.

Nepal has maintained a good relationship with all of these countries. These countries have helped in the development of Nepal by importing and exporting goods. Nepal is also a part of SAARC and the UN. It is very beneficial to us that Nepal is a part of these organizations.

Our country can develop by selling or exporting energy and fossil fuel, especially hydroelectricity and solar energy.Our country has the necessary materials and items needed to produce this energy. Our country is currently selling power to India at a small rate and improving this rate of selling power. Nepal can build solar power factories in sunny areas.

Nepal is the 2nd largest country by water sources. The amount of hydroelectricity that can be produced by Nepal will be too much for the countries of needs. So, Nepal can even join power lines to other countries and sell the hydroelectricity to other countries.The cost of connecting the wires will be high but still Nepal can make lots of profits of it. Nepal has not  reached its full potential in the production of hydroelectricity. The government of Nepal is not focusing on this topic. Nepal has developed less than 1.2 GW of hydropower. This amount is much smaller and the total amount that can be produced. About 88% of the potential in the production of hydroelectricity has not been reached.

But, Nepal has a larger potential in the production of solar energy. The total potential for solar energy in Nepal is 50,000 terawatt-hours per year. It is 100 times larger than Nepal's hydro energy production and 7,000 times larger than Nepal's current electricity consumption. The proper production of solar energy can solve almost all the electrical problems in Nepal.

The tourism industry is the largest industry in Nepal. The tourism industry has seen some massive changes over the past years. Nepal is a beautiful country but Nepal is still 154th in tourism. The Nepali government has improved this sector. The government of Nepal should build better buildings. We should, preserve the temples, monasteries, because those are the major attractions and just preserve the national heritage of our country. The tourists are attracted to our country, seeing the rich history and culture, so we must preserve it. We also need to make a better source of transportation. The government of Nepal can also make various other things such as boating, paragliding etc. The government also needs to built more international airport. Transportation system should be upgraded and not only for the airports but the roads should also be improved outside of Kathmandu .The government of Nepal is mainly focusing on Kathmandu valley and still it is not as developed as the capital of other countries. So the Government of Nepal should  also work towards the development of roads and airport outside of Kathmandu valley. 
Nepal has a very high rate of imports. We import basically everything. We import food ,energy ,medicines etc. We import at such a high rate that. If we do not  receive imports, then we will die. We are dependent on other countries. We do not produce many items, but we use the items produced. Nepal has a higher rate of import than export. Export is a major reason for the development of a country. Nepal is importing way more than exporting. Nepal needs to focus on the production of items so we can start importing at a higher percentage.

Now ,from a geographical point of view,  Nepal is a mountainous country, so transportation of items can be very hard. Nepal is just covered by mountains and hills. Nepal is a landlocked country, so we do not have access to the seas and oceans. Hence, Nepal can not import and export via the seas and oceans.

Nepal also has access to lots of natural resources.We have not been able to use these natural resources completely. If we use the natural resources properly, we do not have to use imported energy, we can get fresh fruits and vegetables of our own. We are not utilising natural resources, instead we are polluting them. We used to have clean rivers, lakes and other water sources. Now the same rivers and lakes are dirty.The rivers were crystal clear but now they are black and brown because of the pollution and polluted items in the rivers.

Therefore, to develop our country, firstly there should be visionary leaders, a proper budget should be there for the development of each field, proper transport facilities, proper utilisation  and conservation of natural resources, proper care and conservation of historical things and world heritage sites to make our country a tourist spot and the most importantly, quality education  and good employment opportunities should be given to the youth to stop young Nepelese to leave our country.