
Student Corner

Meeting My Cousins For The First Time

Written by: Eva Adhikari - 29012, Grade VI

Posted on: 17 June, 2022

Hi I am Eva and today I will be writing about meeting my cousins for the first time ever. Meeting them was not a plan. One of my thulobuwa from America expired when he came to visit Nepal. So after that happened his sons, and some of his relatives came to Nepal for his funeral. So this is the time I met them.

I thought I was the only daughter in this whole family and I had only 9 cousins including my sibling Evan. But I was so wrong. I have 13 cousins, a brother and a big sister.

I was at my mamaghar. My father came there to take me back to my home where I met one of my cousin brothers and a cousin sister for the first time ever. My sister's name is Sandra whereas my brother's name is Biraj. They both are from London. We had a lot of fun together. I still can't believe I have a cousin sister. I am so happy. My brother was very fun too. Then the next day they went to their mamaghar. The same day in the afternoon after my school they came to Sifal . My cousin's brother was also there. He was also very fun. I enjoyed spending time with them. The following day my  two cousins Rishab , Ritesh  came from America and  Roshi and Bibe came from Canada. My father did not take me to Pashupatinath to attend the funeral process as I was too small to attend.

After the funeral process we went to Bhandarashowr Mandir together  because in our tradition the wife and the sons of the person who died has to stay at the mandir wearing white clothes for 13 days and they can't eat any salt, we are not allowed to touch them. They conducted lots of rituals for thirteen days. On the 12th day we could touch them. My cousins Rishab and Ritesh were very sad as they had lost their loving father so we played some games to make them feel better.

Sandra didi and I were in a team and we played cards and that was the time I talked of my other cousins. They were the sons of my big father. They were wearing white dresses from head to toe. Their mom, my big mother, was teasing me by pulling my hair. It was fun spending more time with them. Not joking, these will be one of the days that I will remember my whole life. They let me win the games. I know they let me win because I was small but I don’t mind it. That night I had a sleepover with sister Sandra.  We had so much fun. I wished that night would never end, which is not possible. 

The next day was the final and the 13th day. We went to Bhandarashowr Mandir and there was some puja. On the way we met lots of street dogs which made us scared..

After putting on the tika and having Prasad  we gossiped a lot. This day too I will never forget. The dog came inside the hall and I climbed on the chair. Sandra didi look very scared. I bet if the dog had licked her she would jump and scream. I cannot even explain in words how much fun I had. Then when we went back home it was time they would go to their mamaghar. This was my second last time I would meet them before they go back to their countries. When all of them went to their mamaghar it was so sad. I am counting the days when they will come again. I miss them a lot. I like all of them equally. So this is my story about meeting my cousins for the first time which I will never ever forget.