
Student Corner

The Discriminative Society We Live In

Written by: Aarohan Timsina - 29057, Grade VI

Posted on: 15 June, 2022

We are all aware of how bad our society is. Discrimination exists in every community in one form or another. My country of Nepal is extremely discriminatory. Rural residents are uneducated but even the literate communities practice discrimination. I believe Nepalese people are frequently attempting to abolish harmful activities. Is it truly possible that they will continue to engage in these bad habits for a long time? I simply believe that, at some point, we will put an end to these practices.

We will halt it since the next generation has already begun, but racism still exists. Even in the developed world, such as the United States of America. Racism is defined as the practice of criticizing people based on their skin color. No one is better than the other. No one has the authority to judge us based on our appearance. It is completely incorrect, especially in terms of our skin color, and it has the potential to change lives. Even though the world has progressed significantly. Racism can be found almost anywhere. Racism, I believe, will be abolished later because it is still practiced in even the most developed countries.

Girls and boys are also discriminated against. We can't do that because it's bad practice. We can't discriminate against people based on their gender. People also discriminate against girls and boys. We cannot do that as it is totally wrong, sexism exists everywhere, and this shows how our country is so discriminative. I think that we must try to abolish sexism, but I don’t think that we are going to try. We must understand there’s no way round to make our country develop without getting rid of our sexist mentality.

The last one I am writing about is caste discrimination. We all know how many castes there in our country are that apparently have created a big problem called caste discrimination. People believe that if you belong to a so-called higher caste community, the so-called lower caste cannot touch them or be around them, this is a disgusting practice in our society. We are not the ones who choose where we are born and all of us are equal. Also, casteism is the outcome of our discriminative mindset. I think this discriminative culture will soon end and all of us will be living equally.