
Student Corner

100 Days of Russia-Ukraine War

Written by: Hardik Sharma Phuyal - 29047, Grade VI

Posted on: 09 June, 2022

The cause

On February 24, at 5:30 am Moscow time Russian state television channels were interrupted to broadcast an address by President Vladimir Putin declaring war on Ukraine. Still, the cause of the war was started more than 80 years ago in the 1940s when World war II was just started. It's a long story but after summarizing it turns out that the border of Russia and Ukraine was necessary for the Soviet army and NATO. If the U.S.S.R got the border then it could get all the oil around Europe leaving only reserved oil for the rest of the countries dominating Europe and being forced to be a partner of Russia because if they bought oil from other countries it would take them more money to ship the oil and the tax for final. After that, they had to join the Soviet army or fight them. But except for The United Kingdom and the rest of the countries, even Italy, Spain, France, and Germany could not fight Russia.

Day 1-20

This was the start of the war when it was wild with over 7,000 Ukrainian soldiers dead. Russia was in full charge with artillery exploding in each and every place Ukraine had a lot of casualties and Russia was giving Russian citizenship to more than 700,000 Russians in Ukraine.

Day 21-40

Explosions were heard in many cities. In 40 days, resounding air raid sirens, unforgiving shelling, months in darkness, and days on foot became the lived experiences of millions of people in Ukraine. Russia controlled 45% of Ukraine including its capital. Russian soldiers killed thousands of Ukrainian soldiers. It was brutal to live in that place with no food source and no water source. People were starving there. Nobody really knew how many Ukrainian combatants or civilians had died.

Day 41-100

Russia backed off controlling only 20% of the country with a new plan leaving its capital. The president of Ukraine went to the border of Russia to show off how powerful they were. But later on, he had to run to Poland for security. Due to the economic blockade, petrol prices were increased, which is affecting Nepal and other countries.


The war has not ended till now but the people are worried. War is sometimes essential for evolution but it doesn't mean just killing people, just staying in peace is good for humanity.