
Student Corner

Being Social is Important

Written by: Sauharda Bajracharya - 2025016, Grade VI

Posted on: 20 November, 2019

Firstly, what do you mean by social? Social has two meanings: one is the subject and the other is a group or gathering. It means social gathering. Social gathering means occasions like wedding, birthday celebration, etc. They all are informal. But why is being social important? It is important because if someone is sick or has any kind of disease we can use the money given in those wedding, birthday, etc. We can cure them by using that money. If we participate in some organizations or any club, they can give money in need. If a fire were caught at your home, the organization you are working will give you things you need. In the social studies book of my previous class, I had read a story. There is a person named Ganga Ram. His house was on fire but no villager helped him because he was not nice to his villagers. It means we should never think that we are rich and they are poor. We should never create discrimination.