
Student Corner

How is Pollution Affecting Our Health?

Written by: Deeva Shrestha - 28016, Grade VI

Posted on: 26 January, 2022

The addition of harmful substances to the environment is called pollution. The harmful things are called pollutants. There are four types of pollution: air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution and noise pollution.
The atmosphere around us is called air. When many harmful substances mix with the air then air pollution is caused. The causes of air pollution are; burning plastics, smoke from houses and factories, forest fires, smoke from vehicles and aircrafts, burning fossil fuels, burning unwanted wastes, construction works etc.
The water that we drink, wash clothes with, make food with etc is mixed with harmful substances then water pollution is caused. The causes of water pollution are; throwing toxic materials from factories, hospitals etc in the water resources, throwing garbage in the water resources, bathing animals in the water resources, throwing waste products from houses in the water resources etc.
Soil is made up of minerals, gases, liquids, organic matter and organisms. When the harmful and non-decaying substances are mixed with soil then soil pollution is caused. The causes of soil pollution are; throwing garbage on the land, putting chemicals in the soil, throwing non-degradable waste on the land, throwing animals and plants wastes on the land etc.
The unnecessary sounds are called noises. The harmful sounds that disturb the environment are called noise pollution. The causes of noise pollution are; noises of aircrafts and vehicles, construction works, noises from houses and factories, animal noises etc.
There are many effects of pollution. It doesn’t only affect and damage our health but it also affects and damages the environment around us. It causes respiratory and health problems. When we breathe in the polluted air our lungs get affected and it causes respiratory diseases. It also causes other diseases like nervous disorders, nausea, asthma, cancer, heart attacks, diarrhea, dysentery, typhoid etc. It also causes global warming. It can cause acid rain. It also affects the wildlife. They lose their shelter and they have to change their habitat. It can also cause the death of animals. The plant won’t be able to grow properly because the soil is not fertile.
There are many ways we can reduce pollution and make the environment healthier. We can follow the 3 R’s to prevent pollution. The 3 R’s are Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. We should reduce the use of Polythene bags, plastic bottles, bowls, cups, utensils, packing paper etc. Instead we should use cloth bags which are reusable and we should use steel utensils. We should use all the things that can be used again. We can reuse Polythene bags a few times before throwing them away. Used paper can be used to wrap materials. Plastic bottles can be used for putting other food and can also be used as a pencil holder. We can recycle the materials and things that we don't need by selling things like paper, plastic, glass and aluminum etc for remarkable prices and those things that might just get recycled by the factories.