
Student Corner

Mental illness

Written by: Aayusi Shrestha - 26002, Grade VIII

Posted on: 25 January, 2022

Mental illnesses are health conditions that involve changes in behaviour, emotion, thinking, or even a combination of these. Mental illness is also known as mental health disorders. Some examples of mental illness include schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, addictive behaviours, trauma-related disorders, ADHD and depression.

Many people who have a mental illness don’t talk about it. Mental illness is not something we should be ashamed of. A single mental illness can make your life miserable and cause a lot of problems in your life. After quarantine started many people have been affected by mental illnesses. Mental illness can be temporary or it can last really long. It is not like you can have only one mental illness at the same time, we can suffer from more than one of them. For example, an individual can have depression, ED and anxiety. Mental health disorders can affect anyone. One of the problems right now is people think that mental illness can’t affect people of small age. It can occur at any age. If mental illness is not treated then it can cause emotional and physical health problems. Symptoms of mental health disorders vary depending on the disorder. A lot of people feel really sad or down. They also think about suicide and feel tired without doing anything. People have sudden mood changes which even they can’t understand sometimes. People have the inability to cope with daily problems and have anger issues too. There are a lot of other symptoms of mental illnesses. Sometimes symptoms of a mental health disorder appear as physical problems like back pain and headaches.

Most of the causes of having a mental illness are family issues, school, loneliness, history of abuse, traumatic experience, sexual abuse, or stressful life situations. Due to mental health disorders, people isolate themselves, self-harm, suicide, and their immune system also gets weakened. There's no sure way to prevent mental illness but we can try to keep the symptoms in control by taking good care of ourselves. Getting help when needed and getting regular checkups can help to overcome mental illness like any other illness. Mental issues right now have become an issue for teens. There are people who bully people suffering from mental illness. It worsens their state and they attempt suicide. Even children are starting to have a mental illness. People should take mental health more seriously. Even schools should be teaching students about this topic. Students who suffer from mental health disorders are most likely to not participate in school activities, unhappy, easily distracted, not doing assignments and missing classes. After corona and lockdown suicide rate has increased. 
People are still not aware of mental health disorders. If you are diagnosed with mental illness, then you can seek help. If your loved ones show symptoms of mental health disorders, then please help them. Mental health is not a joke, and we should spread awareness about it