
Student Corner

Sharia Law: The Law Against Human Rights

Written by: Prashraya Shrestha - 26014, Grade VIII

Posted on: 18 January, 2022

Sharia law is an Islamic ideology where the laws of a country are made by the traditional values of Islamic beliefs. The most popular countries that follow these types of law systems are Saudi Arabia, Oman, Iran, Afghanistan etc.

In these types of countries, women are given little to no rights and the rights that are given to them are not implemented properly and don't have any strict laws against them. The women are treated like garbage while men are treated like heroes. These countries also don’t recognize the LGBTQ+ community too. You might be wondering why we should care about the injustice of these people? As an example, Saudi Arabia is a well-known country. Its population is about 34 million and 37% of Saudi Arabia are immigrants so there must be some Nepali immigrants too, right? Nepal is a developing country. The out-migration has been off the roof, and it is our government's responsibility to look after the Nepali immigrants who are not being treated well in foreign lands. The embassy reports casualties of Nepali citizens every other week. So how can we stop this from happening? A constitution takes years to develop. These types of countries should be pressured by UNICEF and the abuse and mistreatment of certain types of individuals should be highlighted in these types of countries. They should also be given sufficient fundings and help by their neighboring countries. The immigrants should be promised good working conditions.

All that said, I still believe it will take about a century to solve the problems of Sharia law, but we still have hope. People like Malala have impacted this government system. We should bring modern government ideologies that are more effective and efficient to the spotlight. In conclusion, these countries should be highlighted and discussed in international conferences.