
Student Corner

Article on Back To School Night

Written by: Simon Sangat - 2021021, Grade X

Posted on: 05 November, 2019

This year’s first grand event of DSS, Back to School Night was held on 24th May, 2019 from 4 PM to 7 PM. All the students except the volunteers went home at 3:45. I was assigned as the volunteer for Grade X. I along with my fellow volunteers gathered at the stage to have a discussion with the principal and the teachers. At around 4:30 parents started to arrive. The bell rang at 4:55. All the parents lined up. They had an assembly like how we students do. Then at 5:10 the parents were taken to their respective child’s classes. They had to attend each class for 15 minutes. They took four classes overall. The classes ran upto 6:15 PM. After the classes, parents came down on the school grounds where they conversed with the teachers. The parents really adored the event. I hope they assimilated and remembered their past days in school.