
Student Corner

The Obsolete Concept:Casteism

Written by: Simona Sirish - 26011, Grade VIII

Posted on: 14 December, 2021

The inequality between economic, social, society, and culture rights are known as caste discrimination. Caste is known as a hereditary social class in Hinduism which limits the occupation of the members or a division which is done in a society built by wealth, occupation, or position rank, etc.  There are many castes in Nepal living together but those castes are discriminated against by each other.  For example Chhetri are known as the most powerful and populated caste in Nepal right now but Dalits are known as the lowest caste since before. There was a rule made or is still that we higher rank caste are not allowed to touch Dalits which are in  the lowest caste rank.  As for alone in Nepal there are around 125 castes, and in these 125 castes many castes are discriminated against by various kinds of words and rituals which have been happening since years. Since history or ancient time different castes have had their own kinds of work that they are supposed to do. 
For example, Newar is known traditionally to be a great architect who built monuments,  temples, and artisans. Likewise for magars they are known as the largest member of  Gurkha in Nepal, and Tamang are known for the addresses of farmers and porters, etc. In our society if a person from a different caste than ours has done something wrong or is someone we don’t like we take the surname (which is a caste that represents us) and talk bad about them saying that this caste is so bad they don’t belong to stay near us. 
Still many people discriminate against each other about the caste until it is known in a high or average rank.  Some people don’t give a job to work for their living and ever since birth we have been told that we shouldn’t talk or touch the lower castes and also shouldn’t let them inside our house or share our food with them.  Some people make friends by seeing the caste of the other person. If that person's caste is average or high it’s okay to be friends but if they're known for the lower caste they hate that person for no reason. Newari King Jayasthiti Malla was the person who differentiated the four castes in Nepal which are Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, and Sudra. This practice of casteism and treatment as per their castes is just wrong. Thus, the caste system is outdated practice and we need to now move on with our 21st century mindset.