
Student Corner

Shouldn’t We Stop Judging People Already?

Written by: Sayam Adhikari - 27011, Grade VII

Posted on: 07 December, 2021

What is judging people? We mostly think it's to see what type of person a person is based on rumors, looks, behaviours to be exact everything about them. We must not be judgemental is what we are taught in higher classes. We are taught not to judge by the appearance of a person. But we all do it anyway, why? Because of our mindset from childhood as a habit. If a person does bad things he /she is bad. If a person does good things he / she is good is what we are taught which has nothing wrong with it and it is good to teach about it because our brains have habits of judging people. When we look at people we subconsciously judge them from their outer looks because our mind is trained to do so right from childhood. If we see an untidy guy with long beard, long hair and dirty clothes we will think of how poor the soul of that human being is, of how badly treated his looks is. We simply judge them by the perception we have carried in our minds that sometimes has got nothing to do with reality. 
The wild fire was trending for sometime and everyone wanted to help but no one even cared after sometime because it was not trending. How much damage was caused but could be recovered by the media but people only help unless it is trending. We just forget about it. This was an example but when we meet a handsome tall guy with rich clothes we might think about how rich he is and also share the experience of how good he smelled and how a very rich guy is living in our society. But if we do that with a poor guy we feel bad and that's it. Here are some good examples from my life experiences. One time while returning with my mother from school I saw an old grandmother carrying a child and talking about how annoyed she is with people and the first thing that came to my 8 year old brain is that she is mentally ill person without knowing her or trying to understand what she’s going through. I judged her as per my little brain that now i think I should have changed it already. This is true and has happened many times. We cannot just let it go. Because the next generation might make the same mistake of how all grown ups did of not teaching children to treat everyone equally and with sanity.