
Student Corner

Field Trip

Written by: Samir Shrestha - 2021017, Grade X

Posted on: 24 October, 2019

We, the tenth graders, were taken on a field trip to dog training centre. The whole idea of the trip was to make us understand how police dogs are trained and what they are actually capable of doing in various aspects of police department. 

We headed to the training centre at 9:40. It felt like a fraction of seconds before we reached there. It wasn’t that far. After we reached there, people in the centre were so kind. They guided us to the training ground. There was a little stadium facing the ground. We sat there. Then, a policeman came and explained to us about dogs and the canine.

There are 8 breeds of dogs in the canine. One of the dogs breeds that they owned was worth 7 lakhs and it had the most powerful smelling ability that it could sniff the evidence if it is taken to the crime scene within 96 hours. All the dogs presented there had their own uniform called harness that they put on while they are assigned to do some tasks. They had to work for crime investigation, scouting for narcotics, search for bombs and help in rescue.