
Student Corner

Book Review : Animal Farm

Written by: Manaswi Sapkota - 26004, Grade VIII

Posted on: 01 December, 2021

Animal Farm written by George Orwell in the year 1940s starts with letting us know that Old Major, a pig of the farm Mr.Jones owned, was telling animals about the rebellion about to happen against humans. He also teaches the animals of the farm a rebellion song called ‘Beasts of England.’ Animals sing this song in every meeting held to plan the rebellion. When the animals finally take over the farm, things turn more complicated. The pigs took the lead on the rebellion battle as they were smart and had learnt letters and words but one of the pigs named Snowball was kicked out from the farm as he wanted to make a windmill. (Snowball was the only pig or animal that was smart enough to predict things and treated all animals equally.) After Snowball was kicked out Napoleon, the pig who kicked Snowball out, became the  leader of the farm.

That's when things took a huge turn. All the other animals had to work 24/7 to achieve their dream of making a windmill while the pigs ate all their good food and did mostly nothing. When someone talked against Napoleon his dogs would try and attack the animals. The windmill was broken and blamed Snowball who had fled. The animals had started getting sad but there was Boxer who was a strong horse who kept saying “I will work harder” which gave the animals motivation but at the end Boxer fell because he was so ill. Napoleon sends Boxer to a slaughter house. All the animals cry and become extremely sad. At the end the system Napoleon had didn't change and many animals continued dying because of him, Napoleon had become like a human like someone who only cared about one’s self and didn’t care about equality.

This book describes our government/ country a lot. Everywhere we look there’s always an amount of corruption present in our surroundings. This book doesn’t just talk about corruption, it also talks about how there is so much greed in this world. Living beings, especially humans, don't care about others' problems. We take advantage of people we don’t even care about, we belittle others and tell the society that it's for our well being while it is not. We become like the pigs in the story. We become ruthless and unapologetic for our wrong doings. The story tells us to not be like the pigs, it tells us to sympathize with others, it tells us to care about others rather than just ourselves or else chaos surrounds us everywhere we go. This story tells us to fight back for our rights and never give up speaking for ourselves and at the same time should never fall for the words of our corrupted leaders who care least about citizens' well being. 

This book is really interesting as we keep on reading it. It dives into many topics that are so relatable to us and our society such as corruption and misuse of power (when Napoleon uses his position to justify his wrongdoing).We can relate to every character of the book with our individual nature. Some of us are like Boxer who blindly believes in his leader. Some of us are like Molie who wouldn’t  like to come out of our comfort zones and do something for change and so on. So, we somehow resemble the characters in Animal Farm.  It particularly  tells us how taking wrong routes and choosing wrong leaders could result in our dark future. This is a must read book.