
Student Corner

Literacy Day - A Day Well Spent

Written by: Rusha Manandhar - 20008, Grade IX

Posted on: 07 October, 2018

Today I woke up early in the morning and also woke up my sister who was sleeping by my side. After doing my daily routine I went on checking my social networking sites to get updated and to start reading the messages sent by my friends and relatives. Instantaneously, I remembered about the Literacy Day Programme that our school was organizing today. Excitement was within me along with the nervousness. I opened my bookcase and took out the book named Karnali Blues straight away as I had to write a book talk on it; and started searching some of the important points from the novel and listed them down in my notebook. After having my breakfast, I got my school bag ready and headed towards the school with my father and my sister. As usual, I reached my school at 8:45 in the morning and greeted my friends and my teachers. After that we all went to our classroom with our bag. After some time our class teacher entered the classroom and told us a little about the importance of education and literacy in anyone’s life. Then, our normal classes continued till the second period; we had our five minutes break after the second period. After the break time was over, our class advisor Mr. Tej Prasad Kafle entered the classroom and asked us to discuss the preparation we had made with our group partners for the programme. Following his orders, we discussed the topic that was to be presented today and also went to get the necessary equipments needed for the event. My group partner and I decorated the chart paper with borders, plot and setting of the novel “Karnali Blues,” which was finished around 2:20 in the afternoon. We went around the school ground where the book stalls were already with the grade name on it.

We presented our project to our teachers and our junior siblings. We had a lot of fun presenting the project. I want to thank my school and my teachers for conducting such an entertaining and beneficial programme for the students on the occasion of Literacy Day.