
Student Corner

Is Beauty Standard Worth Our Wellbeing

Written by: Kristina Rai - 27006, Grade VII

Posted on: 25 November, 2021

Most of the women today are commonly into beauty rather than their health. Do you know how many women nowadays are insecure about their looks over those cover girls on magazines and social media? The pain every woman takes in their heart in today's world who wants to be ever so beautiful .But do they even realise that the idea of beauty is not only based on a physical appearance of a person or object .Beauty comes from the inner self. Natural and real beauty is created from within the heart of individuals. When a real beauty develops, it is expressed as a charming, attractive, and glamorous soul that is hard for one to contain. If a lady is beautiful on the inside, she is also beautiful on the outside because her body is an expression of soul and mind. Inner beauty creates a positive attitude towards oneself, others, and the environment.Today, the idea of beauty has been turned into unattainable forms by media, trends, and marketing. To reach the social standard of beauty, many people have gone anorexic, bulimic, or have been addicted to plastic surgery.
Nowadays, girls feel that they are being pressured to be perfect due to social media. Many girls and women who often scroll through their social media, such as Instagram, facebook or any social networking sites  wish they could become this ideal beauty that is perceived to be perfect to the human eye. The girls comment about how they wish they could be as perfect as them. Not all women love their bodies, and not all women meet the beauty standard set by society. But, who is going to tell them that she is beautiful in this world? Everyone has their own unique charm.So we need to stop caring about beauty standards to the point that we are hampering our mental and physical health. Have we ever even noticed that no-one in this world is like us?  We all are beautiful in our own ways. So let's be positive and love ourselves.