
Student Corner

Scopes in Space

Written by: Roji Gurung - 2025013, Grade VI

Posted on: 21 October, 2019

 Big telescopes on Earth are great, but they can only see so far. Then the view is affected by Earth’s atmosphere, artificial light, and air pollution. To get really clear views at what’s out there, scientists are sending into space. The most famous space telescope is the Hubble, which was launched from the space shuttle discovered in 1990. It orbits Earth at a height at 370 miles(576 km). In July 1999, the Hubble was joined in space by the Chandra X-ray Observatory. This telescope “sees” X-ray given off by space by space objects that are billions of light years away. Photographic equipment and computers turn the X-ray into pictures for us. The Hubble has sent back amazing pictures of Mars and other planets.