
Student Corner

Influenza: The Viral Disease

Written by: Deeva Shrestha - 28016, Grade VI

Posted on: 18 November, 2021

Influenza is a viral disease that affects the respiratory system which includes the nose, throat and lungs. Influenza is commonly known as Flu. Influenza is caused by influenza viruses. Influenza is similar to the common cold but it is more dangerous and intense. It can cause serious illness and can also cause death. There are four types of Influenza. They are, Influenza A, Influenza B, Influenza C and Influenza D. Influenza A and Influenza B are commonly caused in humans.

Since Influenza is similar to the common cold so many of the symptoms are similar to the common cold. The symptoms of Influenza are:
Sore throat
Stuffy or runny nose
Muscle ache

When the infected people sneeze, cough or talk, the tiny droplets get mixed with the air which might get into the nose, mouth or eyes of people who are nearby.  It can also spread when a person touches an infected surface and then touches their own nose, mouth or eyes.

To avoid getting Influenza we must follow the following measures:
We should wash our hands frequently.
We should eat a healthy diet
We should not stay with the people who have the Influenza
We should get the vaccine to avoid the Influenza
We should cover our mouth when we sneeze or cough

Influenza is a viral disease that is caused by the Influenza viruses. Influenza is caused when the infected people sneeze, cough or talk so we must take precautions to avoid them.