
Student Corner

Show Your Talents

Written by: Deelisha Maharjan - 2022006, Grade IX

Posted on: 14 October, 2019

I believe that every person is born with talent. Don’t we all have our talents? Of course, we do. We have our talents inside us but we do not try to show it; we are scared to show it. The reason we don’t show our talent is that we underestimate ourselves and start to lose our hope and confidence. The other reason is that we are afraid that someone will make fun of us. If anyone actually does make fun, we should just ignore them because they don’t have the talent that you have. Talent is a god gifted thing; use it wisely. Nobody is perfect and is born to be perfect. Learn from your mistakes because mistakes are expected, inspected, respected and corrected. Don’t judge people by their looks. Instead, judge them by their talents. If you keep your talents reserved within yourself in present, you will regret it for a lifetime in the coming future. If you don’t feel you have any talents within you, you will shortly find it. Downton Abbey said "You have the talent that none of the rest has. Just find what it is and use it. It's doing nothing. That’s the enemy." So, find your talents and show it to others.