
Student Corner


Written by: Kritanjali Odari - 27018, Grade VII

Posted on: 22 October, 2021

Measurement has great importance in our everyday life. Measurement is a comparison of an unknown quantity with a known quantity. Mostly measurement helps us in selling and buying goods. Measurement is required in various varieties of experiments in laboratories. It is also essential in making food, medicines ,sewing clothes ,chemicals, making bridges,roads etc.Most of the objects  have length, mass and volume. Length, mass,volume are called physical quantities as they can be measured. Most common measurements which we need in daily life are measurements length, mass,time,temperature,area and volume. Some system of measurement are:
FPS system: The system of measurement in which length is measured in foot, mass in pounds and time in second.

CGS system:The system of measurement  in which length is measured in Centimetre,mass in gram and time in second.

MKS system: In this system length is measured in metre,mass in kilogram and time in second.

 SI system: The full form SI system is “System International de unit “The system of measurement is accepted by the international convention of  scientist held in france in 1960 called SI system.The SI units are divided in 2 groups . They are derived and fundamental units.

Fundamental units: The unit in which is independent of any other units of physical quantities is called fundamental units. length, Mass,Time,Temperature,Electric current, Luminous intensity, Amount of substance are the fundamental units.

Derived  units: The unit which is expressed in terms of two or more fundamental units is called derived unit. Area,Volume,Density,Velocity/Speed,Acceleration,Force,Work, Power and pressure are the derived units.

Measurement of area: The space occupied by the surface is called area.