
Student Corner

Changing world

Written by: Rushina Tamang - 26008, Grade VIII

Posted on: 17 September, 2021

When everyone is younger, everyone has at least one dream where they want to change the world. Everyone wants to do something big in their life. Or atleast become someone big who can impact the world. 

But as we grow up, we start to let go of this dream. As we realize that, we aren’t capable of being someone big or someone who can change the world. We start to make our dream of changing the world smaller and smaller. And at last, we just start living our lives as a normal adult. 

But, we forget the main thing we have to do in order to achieve that dream we had. We forget that in order to change the world, we have to change ourselves first. We then will have started living an ideal life that others would want. And slowly with our impact, they will start living in the same way. They will start living an ideal life just like us and gradually our small steps will make an impact on the world. 

This is how we can change the world. This is how we can make an impact on the world. To change the world, we have to change ourselves first. Just like:- When we have a favourable item in our hands that everyone likes, then everyone will want the same item that we have. In the same way, if we have a good personality, everyone will start to bring out their own good personalities on them.