
Student Corner

Head of State and Head of Government

Written by: Sauharda Bajracharya - 2025016, Grade VI

Posted on: 17 July, 2019

Head of State has the highest post in Nepal. Head of State is also known as President. Before the head of state, there was king. But people started a movement against the king. It started from 26th Chaitra, 2062 and ended on 11th Baisakh, 2063. Nepal’s first president was Ram Baran Yadav. The current president is Bidhya Devi Bhandari. Government means a group of ministers. Government has to maintain a relationship with other countries. They also monitor the economy, banks, education system, roads, etc. Head of Government has the second highest post in Nepal. They are also known as Prime Minister.  The current Prime Minister of Nepal is Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli and Bhimsen Thapa was the first prime minister of Nepal.