
Student Corner

Back To School Night

Written by: Jiya Sapkota - 2024005, Grade VII

Posted on: 04 July, 2019

When I heard about “Back To School Night,” I was really excited because it was the event in which parents had to come to school and study like us. Luckily, I was selected as a volunteer. I was so happy that I got selected as a volunteer in the event because I always wanted to volunteer in Back To School Night.  Each volunteer were given their own classes to volunteer and I was assigned to volunteer in Grade 2B. We were clear about what we had to do. On the day of the event, we first had our snacks then we had a small meeting. When the parents arrived, they lined up for assembly. After the assembly, we took them to their respective classes. They had their classes according to the routine. After their classes were over, I took them back to the ground. They were talking with other parents and teachers. Everyone was having so much fun during the event.