
Student Corner

My Experience of Teaching the Small Children of Grade I

Written by: Muskan Singh - 2023005, Grade VIII

Posted on: 23 June, 2019

Today I was really excited to teach about dental hygiene to the small children. That's why I made a different drawing to make them understand the things of about dental hygiene properly.

I think it was the best experience that I had until now. Well in the 3rd period we had the program. First of all group 1 went to grade 1 ‘Makalu’. After that group 2, and our group went to Grade 1 ‘Annapurna’. And it clearly reflected in their eyes that they were really excited to learn about dental hygiene. This made us more confident.

Well, first of all, we asked them about their teeth. And we were really happy by listening to their wonderful answers. They were very smart. After that, we asked them to show how do they brush. One brother came and showed us how he brushed. I was really mesmerized how such small children can perform so well.

Later, we taught them good habits for teeth and bad habits for the teeth. We had a wonderful experience explaining about dental hygiene. And we also gave them a worksheet to learn about dental hygiene and made them draw.